September 5, 2019

A Visit Is Worth a Million Words!

Dov Ben-Shimon Federation CEO
Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ

I’ve said it in these pages many times – there’s nothing, and I mean literally nothing like taking a Federation mission to experience the passion and dedication the Jewish community has for taking care of our own – whether locally, in Israel, or in the far corners of the world.

As a proud life-long Jewish communal professional, I’ve had more than my share – over 100 but I’ve lost count – of opportunities to witness the impact our dollars and our efforts make. Most recently I’ve seen how we care for the elderly in the Former Soviet Union, help French families eager to escape anti-Semitism make Aliyah to Israel, and see the revitalization of Jewish life in places like Uzbekistan and Belarus. Last year 500 of us went on our Greater MetroWest commUNITY mission, for a life-changing experience. Each time, I come back determined to describe the experience to you, though words can rarely capture the true magic what we see, the relationships we build, and, ultimately, the realization of what Jewish Peoplehood really means.

Our Federation is committed to providing unique travel destinations for our donors. In the next few months, there are two incredible Women’s Philanthropy missions on the calendar! The Lion of Judah Mission to Mexico from October 30-November 3 will give you an inside look at Mexico City’s rich Jewish history, plus a chance to participate in Mexico’s Day of the Dead festivities. And on the Lion of Judah Mission to Morocco from December 4-12 you’ll discover the role that Jews have played in the country’s amazing art, education, and culture.

For a look back at highlights from our Missions over the past few years, take a look at Why You Should Travel with Federation! by my colleague, Mission Director Heidi Kuperman.